Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A super breed

First thing, I am very happy to report that the mouse droppings on the counter were not actually mouse droppings. We suspect they belong to a bug, which, if true, is a pretty big bug. But that is better than mice, right? But now that we don't have mice, I would really appreciate it if Cricket stopped using my hosta garden as a litter box. Yuck.

As I opened the door to go work on my sweet little hosta garden this morning, I was passed by a huge black blur flying into my house. I looked and couldn't see anything, but sure enough, as I was trimming my roses, I saw the bug in the window. The BIG bug. I hate big bugs. I have experience with big, nasty bugs, and I can't say it is high on my list of fun experiences I care to repeat. (Sarah, doesn't the yard look so different in those pictures?!)

Anyway, so there I was taking pictures of the big, nasty bug when he makes a quick move towards me. ACK! I jump, trip on a shoe, and my knee goes berserk. Crud. I go in to look at the pictures only to discover the memory stick wasn't even in the camera. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I put in the stick and get the guts to go back out there. Here are the pictures and video:

Yes, that is Odie parked in the street. I'm still working up the nerve to park in the driveway again after poor Odie's last experience. Anyway, the bug finally flew onto the screen of the open window. I decided to take that opportunity to shut the window and trap the bug inside the window. I was hoping it didn't die in one of my shoes, ya know? Plus, it made picture taking much less nerve-wracking. :o) I took my pictures and went inside to blog. And what do I see? The bug is on my front door. ACK! How in the world did it get out of the window?! Sure it is a big, gaping, nasty old window, but still! I had a breed of super-intelligent wasp on my hands! But 30 minutes later, it was back in the window. Okay, maybe it was actually a stupid bug for going back in the window. But then I watch in horror as it went straight for the gap in the window. Darn, super-intelligent it is. I was really hoping for stupid. Looks like I won't be going out today!

3 chocolate lovers:

Anonymous said...

Get the broom...KILL IT! (yes, I am a bug killer, smacker (only with hubby's shoes)...and don't mind doing it.

Jenn said...

I wouldn't go near the thing without a big can of wasp spray. Don't you remember these things from OK? Maybe you have a nest close by. The black are the least aggressive, luckily you didn't have a red one.

Jessi said...

YIKES! That's one big wasp (??)...I'm terrified of anything with stingers (I've never been stung)! I'd be on the look out for it's 'home' and attack it with a big can of poison!