Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Surely my children would never do such things!

Why would my dear sweet 5 year old decide to cut his hair with scissors for trimming babies' fingernails? Doesn't he know we have family pictures coming up?

And why would my precious and innocent 2 year old be irresistibly drawn to coloring rainbows on all of our freshly painted walls? This isn't the Sistine Chapel, you know. I don't need murals all over the halls and rooms. Couldn't her brothers manage to keep all of their crayons, pens, and pencils out of her reach?

Apparently aliens have abducted my children because mine would never do such things when their mom is already teetering on insanity.

Don't worry. 2 dozen freshly baked chocolate chip cookies seem to have fixed the problem. Though not the problem with my internet which is not allowing me to look at private blogs for some annoying reason.

8 chocolate lovers:

Croft Family said...

Ofcourse they couldn't keep the coloring supplies out of reach. I hope it was pretty maybe she will be famous one day from those drawings. I was wondering why noone was commenting on my blog.

Victoria :) said...

LOL! I love it! One day I will be dealing with much the same. And one day you will look back and laugh.

Rachel said...

yummm... cookies can fix anything right?!

Becky said...

I've seen this before, the alien invasion. You might have had a misbehaving "soul" placed inside of your child, or children. Check the back of their necks just in case, oh and their pupils.

Mellissa said...

I agree with Becky, those "souls" sneak up on you when you least expect it. I am glad you know the cookie trick!:) I have found vicodin to work too.......just kidding. Ice cream is good!:)

Mamapierce said...

Chocolate chip cookies fix everything. Did you mail any my way? ;o)

Cindy said...

I've found the only way to keep the aliens least for picture day is to spring it on the suddenly....don't really even think about it before hand....they can read minds you know....if you can't help thinking about it you have to start wearing one of those aluminum hats....then everyone thinks you're crazy....but your not...your just trying to preserve some precious family memories...and your sanity!

Nata-Leigh (Lubbock's Mom) said...

As a first time mom ... I had not heard of this phenomenon yet ... I'm glad I've been warned about what the symptoms are and how to treat it. Thanks for the warning!