Sunday, February 8, 2009

How do you spell relief?


I managed to get sick just in time for Brad's arrival. Boo hoo! But, at least I am under a doctor's care. :o)

Today, we had the missionaries from our church over for dinner. At my request, Brad made my favorite meal that he cooks, asparagus, steak au poivre, and cheddar fondue. Amazing. So delicious. It was met with many raves and seconds and thirds for the missionaries. I think I blew a weeks' worth of calories just on the cheese fondue and baguette. And ohhhh the asparagus.... mmmmm..... Then I cut up some fruit and made a fruit platter. We had banana, apples, blueberries, oranges, strawberries, and then Brad brought out the DARK CHOCOLATE FONDUE! I think I died and went to heaven right there. Best ever. Not even lying. SO GOOD! One of the missionaries didn't like dark chocolate, so that left more for me! hahaha! I know what I want on Valentine's day. MORE DARK CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!! I could eat that for dessert every day. Okay, I'm going to go get some more right now. :)

Oh, and the foreclosure across the street is getting so much interest because it is listed at $115K. Yeah. We can't compete with that. Sigh....

On the plus side, we actually hit 50 degrees on Saturday. We drove home from the airport with the windows and sun roof open. It felt amazing. I actually saw grass for the first time in months. I can see retaining wall bricks and plants in my yard. Don't tease me, Spring! Come soon!

8 chocolate lovers:

nicole said...

Oh wow! I'm so happy for you! How nice it must be to have your hubby home again! And that meal sounds super delicious.

I know what you mean about spring. I absolutely love winter... the cozy nights around the fireplace are great. But I think I'm done with taking 10 minutes before we go anywhere to bundle up all the kids for the 20 seconds they go from the car to the warm building. Anyway, yeah... I'm ready for spring too. :) Have a great Valentine's Day with your sweetie!!

Becky said...

Congratulations on getting your man back.
Believe it or not, I have never had fondue. Some day...

Trisha said...

How crazy excited you must be! Have a wonderful time with Brad!

Cindy said...

So glad you get some time with Brad.....and I totally second that spring thing. I went shopping on Saturday and all of the cute summer things are out at Childrens Place....I had to buy flip flops for the kids to help me deal with the fact that we are supposed to see more snow in the next couple of days :( Have a great time with Brad...and get feeling better !

Unknown said...

it all sounds oh so nice

nathan said...

ummm ok we are coming over to your house for dinner the next time Brad is in town :) haha. sounds so divine. I hope you get better fast.

Dunstan Family said...

you are so mean teasing me with the cheese and chocolate I have been to the melting pot and it is the best oh i want some. Now I can't wait for you to move here a friends and fondue hahah

in time out said...

I love your blog. I may have to come back just for the chocolate fix. M and M are my staple. Let me get to know you. I might ask for to see your private blogs. Love how you write.