Friday, July 10, 2009

Philly zoo!

I can't believe I forgot to say this yesterday, but my appointment with my rheumatologist went great! I don't have RA, though she made it sound like a 'not if but when' kind of deal. Maybe it was my imagination. She did some more blood work with more definitive results and I should hear back next week. If that blood work comes back good, I'm done for 4-6 months. If it is bad, well, I'll have to go back in sooner. My knee is doing great, so her threat of draining it and giving me a cortizone shot doesn't scare me. Much. I'm definitely going to do better about taking the meds! :o)

I just put a ton of pictures and videos on the Cookie blog from the Philly zoo. Grandma Jessie, you are warned that Sugar's favorite animal was the snake and so there are a few pictures of snakes on there. Our theory is that it is because they were at her eye level and very active. Surely she can't like snakes! :o)

But for those of you who don't like going to Cookie, I have some pictures for you too!





Even cute bunnies like it cleaned up.

Brad got some kind of funky rash from some of the vegetation. Bonus points to anyone who can tell me the plant because it makes me nervous and I'd love to know what to look out for!
This sign says "wait for green". That is what makes me nervous about Philly. Shouldn't that be OBVIOUS?! They have to have a sign telling you to wait?! That is bad, people.

10 chocolate lovers:

Kim said...

Oh my gosh that sign is the funniest (scariest) thing I have ever heard of! Watch out! I thought CA traffic was bad. ;)

Croft Family said...

Snakes!!! Oh I hate snakes. Love the pics on your cookie blog!

coxandroberts said...

That is a very scary sign. I would be very nervous driving there. Good luck.

Rebecca said...

I love the sign! State the obvious because some people are stupid.

Unknown said...

WOW! The yard looks amazing!

Jenn said...

That is so great about the RA!! We watch that Parking Wars show, it's about the parking meter people in Philly, man, if everyone there is similar (which it seems so with the sign), I feel very badly for you!

Joy said...

That sign is hilarious- it would make me nervous too!

Anonymous said...

Yay! No RA!!! I'm so proud of you!

nicole said...

Wow, that sign is hilarious! That is pretty indicative of the area, huh?! Oh, and I loved the pictures of the wedding... you look so beautiful! Glad you're doing well and getting settled in your new home. I know how stressful and crazy that can be!

Missy said...

SO crazy! Just drive like you're in Utah and you'll be fine. I seriously remember attending an enrichment activity where a highway patrol officer come to teach basic traffic laws. "You mean using a turning signal is not just a suggestion for the ultra-polite?" Sweet.