Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How 32 yr olds have temper tantrums

So, I'm just irritated enough with my 1300 sq ft of living space to have my own little temper tantrum. So, here are pictures of the house. No, I didn't clean. No, I'm not done unpacking. Yes, my camera sucks. Aren't you jealous of our 6 yr old camera that has to be manually opened? Thought so.

The living room. Yes, the area rug takes up the entire living space.
View from beside the couch.

The hall portion of the living room that also has the only phone jack and 3 prong outlet.
The radiator that is making my layout a pain in the bahookie.

Why they break up the wall like this and make layouts so hard I will never know.
The stairs that make full-size box springs weep.

The largest room in the house is the dining room. Do you love my faux-leather light covers?

Yes, you can see how well all these drawers and door shut.
The closet is just deep enough for bowls.

The piano, aka storage space and the door to the abyss, aka basement.
Why, oh why can't you attach smells to pictures?! Sorry, this is the best I could do as I refuse to go in there. You need a flashlight to go down there and all I had was the flash from my trusty dying camera. But, oh the smell upon opening the door! It's strong like gasoline, but I don't think it is gasoline. I'm thinking mold? I don't know, but it is nasty!

My laundry room. I forgot to take a picture of the floor. It is pretty priceless.

My new study. I went from a nice large room with walk-in closet to two shelves. Yeah, I don't know where it will all fit either.

The kitchen-storage half of my new study.

The only bathroom in the house.

Looks small but very tolerable. Until I show you these close-ups:

Doesn't it make you feel nice and clean? I should take pictures of the bugs that crawl out of that hole. You'd love it.

If that didn't entice you, how about painted over black mold?

Yes, I realize my room isn't clean.
And that I don't have any blankets... You wouldn't have blankets either if your house was 85 degrees at night.

Good-bye walk-in closet, hello shared IKEA space.

The narrow passage to the dresser.
The actual closet. So useful.
More stuff I don't know where to put.
Even more stuff I don't know where to put.

Boys' room. do you love how the bed covers half the window?
More useless wall space for a window and radiator.
Thankfully their closet is deep enough for child-sized hangers.

The wood floor that looks like it was constructed by 8th graders without a level. Wouldn't you love to put your bare footsies on it? Watch out for the nails that stick out too far. Make sure you have your tetanus shots too!
The toy room.
Another jutting out structure to make my life difficult. Why must they destroy all the wall space in this ridiculous house?! Can you see how nice and even the floor is? Look at the toy closet. It meets that sticking out part and the bottom. Look how far off it is by the top. No wonder we can't use a rolling chair in there. Well, we tried, but it kept rolling into the wall for some reason.

These shelves are my saving grace in this room.
More wasted wall space used by window, radiators, and room for closest doors that are useless. And cute model. :o)
Our computer desk/folding table. High class stuff.

Yes, there were lots more I could take close-ups of to make you gasp, but I have to save some material for later, right?

16 chocolate lovers:

Laurie said...

I love the post title.

I feel your pain seeing how small it is. The thought I'm wondering is, could you put everything but the bare minimum in storage? Then again, that's an added expense but weighed versus sanity? Thinking of you!

Laurie said...

Come to think of it,you probably already have all but the bare minimum tucked in storage!! Any Y location there where you can escape?

Rachel said...

Awww... I'm sorry sweetheart! No fun!

Jessi said...

I don't mean to feed your "tantrum", but I can understand your feelings now. I think I might feel the same way.

One day you WILL look back and laugh and ask "how did we do that?"...it just seems impossible right now.

And at least you have a room to put all of the toys.

Nata-Leigh (Lubbock's Mom) said...

I have a love/hate relationship with our old home. Uneven floors, walls with weird angles, and tiny tiny rooms are considered 'charming', right?

SeekerofGrace said...

Yikes. I totally feel your pain - for 5 years when I first started teaching I rented an ancient house that had gaps in the wall seams and holes under the floors (we had to learn where to step). Love the title, though... and it's not fair you have to live there with kiddos... so sorry. I hope dh jumps on the moving bandwagon soon.

Jenn said...

Well, take comfort in the fact that your house is bigger than mine by 300 sq. feet (although you do have horrible wall space) and you only have to live there for 3 more years (unlike me, I'm stuck here indefinitely), then it's off to a nice, bigger house!! Whoohoo!

Mostess Mommy said...

Oh, Melisa! I totally know how you feel! We went from our nice NEW house in Broken Arrow to our current hovel in Chicago, paying almost twice as much! The plus is that your rental makes our rental look like a palace!

This too shall pass, right? Just not soon enough....

Robyn said...

I feel for you girl. I've been out of the blogging world for a while... how permanent is this place? Hang in there!

Victoria :) said...

Ok, I didn't see THESE pictures. Hadn't you posted some pics before though? I don't know what I was remembering earlier today. Anyway, yes, I can see how this would be driving you crazy.

TheFamousStacie said...

I hope you are renting : )

I'm going to be showing this to Chad when he gets home. Scare him straight!

Our home here in TN is SO lovely. I know he's going to drag me off to some ghetto. He always does!

Jennifer said...

Oh. Oh, Melisa. Oh my. Oh. Hmm. Well. Oh my.

Someday you will laugh.

You're inspiring me with my next Survivor Saturday submission. Get thee to a Parade of Homes tour.

It's not forever.

Oh dear.

You will be a TRUE "survivor" someday!!! :)

Deanne said...

Oh, I'm sorry. Downsizing is never fun. Especially when you have to deal with smells, mold, and bugs on top of it! Hang in there. You're just renting, right?!

Sarah C said...

I am sorry you are miserable right now. I am sure you will make it into a lovely home. You are very talented. Best wishes.

Missy said...

*sigh* I'm glad to know other people have containment issues. These are the days, aren't they? The ones we will as grandmas look back at wistfully? Somebody PLEASE tell me that I'm right! ;)

Tasha said...

I'm sorry--I think anyone would have a hard time loving that place. Too little space (and the cracks and mold...) How long will you be there?