Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting lucky!

The rest of my St. Patrick's Day was an improvement.

The medication pen that had previously very painful, was actually the most pain-free shot I've had in months! I even did it myself! That is a big deal for me. In 18 months of twice monthly shots, this is only the 3rd I've given myself. I guess it helps to be married to a doctor and always have someone around to give me the shots.

We had our traditional green dinner. This time it was green eggs and ham. And green pancakes, green toast and green milk. Yum.

Brad won the most green contest.

I ditched the green shirt, which hadn't done me any favors keeping me lucky, and instead put on my BYU blue and headed over for the basketball game. Tons of fun

2 chocolate lovers:

Mamapierce said...

Awesome! I love how you celebrate this green holiday. We haven't. Yet. Someday? Your kids are growing up so big!

Smart Helm said...

I admit that doesn't look very appetizing. Go BYU!