Sunday, January 9, 2011

When you are married to a doctor...

Today I was teaching a Sunday School class to 4 year old kids, one of which was my daughter.

I had printed my lesson out on some scratch paper we have in a pile. While at church, I was looking at my lesson for a specific scripture. Suddenly, Jamo asks, "What is THAT?!"

I looked on the back of my lesson, and what is on it but pictures of tracheas being sutured and the accompanying research notes. Lovely. Good thing it wasn't a 4 yr old that saw the picture. They might have been traumatized for quite awhile.

3 chocolate lovers:

Jennifer said...

That is hilarious! Our kids already seem immune to nasty eyeball pictures. Such is the life...

Sara said...

too funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - that is too funny!!