Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brownies versus Vai

On Sunday, we went to a church meeting where Vai Sikahema was speaking. I listen to Sport's Talk Radio every day (much to my husband's and children's displeasure), so I was quite familiar with who he is.

We got to listen to his lovely wife first, and then he gave a great talk afterwards. It was wonderful to hear him. Since Roo really adores Andy Reid (because he ALWAYS shakes Roo's hand), I thought he'd like to meet another Eagle.

Not so much. As soon as the final "amen" was said, the kids bolted to the brownies in the back of the church.


1 chocolate lovers:

TheFamousStacie said...

Brownies vs. Superstars... a tough choice folks. I might have sprinted to the brownies too. I might have to make some brownies now.