Sunday, October 17, 2010

Roo is 7!

Well, it has been awhile, eh? We had a fabulous time with my mommy in town. We love it when we have visitors!

Roo had his 7th birthday party. We caved and took him to Chuck E Cheese. Once or twice a year can't be too bad, right? It is actually getting a lot better now that the kids are older.

I have his SUPER cute pictures over on the Cookie blog (let me know if you need an invite please!). Sonja did an amazing job!

4 chocolate lovers:

M and N Tenny said...

The Cookie Blog!? I don't know what that is and I don't yet have an invite, but it sounds fun and interesting :)

Laurie said...

I can't believe your #2 is 7, and how random is it that we both nicknamed a kid "Roo." That makes me laugh.

You can't be serious about wanting my posts emailed. I wouldn't want you to feel pressure to read them!

Hope you have a great week!!

Alexandra said...

Happy Birthday Roo!! hehe

Jenn said...

He sure is a cutie!! Can you believe our boys will be baptized next year?!?