Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wherefore art thou Spring?

We woke up to snow on the ground. Sick and wrong I tell you. It was a light dusting and it is already melted, but it didn't help my Spring mentality. Thank heavens we made it through Spring Break (that didn't feel very Springy) during one of Brad's busiest weeks to date. It is just too bad that both happened the same week. I am SOOOO excited for school to start tomorrow! Time to get back to a schedule.

3 chocolate lovers:

Croft Family said...

Isn't it nice getting kids back in school and life back to normal?

The Melo's said...

I know!!! I told Paul that if there was snow on the ground when we woke up Sunday morning that I was going to get in the car with McKenzie and drive back to Arizona. Thanks for having us over this morning, it was nice to sign!

Becky said...

Amen! It's just Tuesday, the second day of recovery from Spring break and I'm amazed at my progress. I haven't said or even thought a bad word all day!